A top-level-domain of higher trust and confidence for all things kids.
Find the perfect .KiDS Domain for your fun and creative idea today!
.KiDS by Kids! Empower Your Child's Digital Journey with a Website
Start with a .KiDS domain, an online destination for young digital creators and web explorers. From building their own webpage and experimenting with coding, to starting their own business as a kid entrepreneur, a .KiDS domain can be a launchpad for building digital fluency and essential online skills.
Set your kids up for digital success starting with a .KiDS domain today! Here are few tips to help you get started on your .KiDS website.
Parents and Educators - Design, Connect and Share Your Insights
Is your new website all about kids? Share your parenting stories and innovative educational activities on a .KiDS domain, a dedicated online space of higher trust and protection for the next generation. A .KiDS Domain lets everyone know that you care enough to choose a safer, more trustworthy and positive online experience. It takes a virtual village to raise a child, and .KiDS domains are the perfect space online for knowledge sharing and community building.
See your ideas come to life on a .KiDS domain now!
Businesses and Brands - Create Life-long Brand Recognition and Loyalty
From clothing labels to family entertainment and media groups, .KiDS domain names are a simple and effective solution to foster a sense of belonging for families and young audiences. .KIDS domains are a great way for businesses to raise brand loyalty for future generations today!
Find a .KiDS domain for your business today!
You’re in good company with .KiDS
Check out these fabulous first-movers on the .KiDS web!

Help keep .KiDS safe
To keep the .KiDS webspace safe for all kids, domain registrants and operators are bound to the .KiDS Guiding Principals. If you spot abusive content, please let us know!
.KiDS domains are available for registration at accredited Domain Registrars.
For a full list of .KiDS Registration Partners, please see here.