
Invited by The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), DotKids foundation  presented in the third Asia Pacific Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography Roundtable, “The Role of Industry in the Fight Against Online Child Sexual Exploitation” on 21st July 2015.

The Asia Pacific Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography (APAC-FCACP) was launched by ICMEC in 2009, which is an alliance between private industry (financial and IT) and the public sector (law enforcement and NGOs) in the fight against commercial child pornography. With the popular use of information technology, children are at risk online, and child exploitation is unfortunately at the forefront. At the same there is rise in the demand for child pornography/child abuse images links to child trafficking and child sex tourism. APAC-FCACP provides industry a platform to combine resources and expertise in order to make serious strides in this fight. The longer term vision is to facilitate country coalitions that can operate within each legal jurisdiction on this serious matter.

During the roundtable, DotKids Foundation shared our initiative on creating child-friendly internet and the upcoming revolution on cyberspace related to the domain name system, which we represented as a strong local contributor to helping the scene. At the same time, ICMEC also invited NGOs including Against Child Abuse to illustrate the online child abuse case studies in Hong Kong and National Centre for Mission & Exploited Children from the United States to share the reporting mechanisms, CyberTipline, established to track child abusive content and assist law enforcement. Governmental sector, Hong Kong Police Force and U.S. Consulate General,  introduced their works from law enforcement perspective. Meanwhile, Financial Payment Platforms including MasterCard, PayPal, Visa and Western Union, and Technical community including Microsoft, Facebook and Google shared their experience of establishing policies and products on tackling the challenges. To support the coalition on the fight against child online sexual abuse content, DotKids Foundation will continually be involved in working group and commit to the future APAC-FCACP meetings.


APAC-FCACP Background
3rd APAC-FCACP Roundtable Agenda


The APAC-FCACP is made up of leading credit card companies, electronic payments networks, Internet companies, industry associations, NGOs, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement from across the region. APAC-FCACP include, among others: ABACUS Australian Mutuals, Allen & Overy LLP, American Express, ANZ Bank, Australian Cards Risk Council, Australian Communications and Media Authority, Australian Federal Police, Child Wise Australia, Citi Asia Pacific, ECPAT International, ECPAT Child Alert NZ, eftpos Australia, Facebook Inc., Google, G2 Web Services, MasterCard, Microsoft, New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs, PayPal, Philippines Inter Agency Council Against Trafficking, Safe Childhoods Foundation-Indonesia, Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore, Terra des Hommes-Netherlands, Thai Bankers Association, Trend Micro, Trustwave, Twitter, Uniting Church in Australia, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Veri-Site, Visa, Westpac New Zealand, Xoom.com and Yahoo! Inc.